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Plumbers and Pipefitters typically lay out, assemble, install, and repair pipelines or pipe systems that carry water, steam, and other substances. They manipulate pipes by hand, with tools, and with machinery. They apply their pipe system knowledge and blueprint reading capability to select pipe size and type. They also select other related equipment and materials such as pipe supports, hangars, and support systems according to required specifications. By studying building plans and working drawings, they learn how the whole system fits together in relation to their detailed work. Understanding both the big picture and the small details of pipe systems is crucial for plumbers, pipefitters, and steam fitters.
Are you the kind of person who is always up for a good challenge? Are you skilled with tools and enjoy working with your hands? As a plumber/pipefitter, good problem solving skills are essential. It will require a steady hand, precision, and an eye for quality and precision.
Apprenticeship or On the Job Training.
Thru 2024. TX workforce commission