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April 28, 2020
New animated series on highlights crucial career readiness skills
Over the last several weeks, the landscape and nature of work in Houston and across the globe has changed dramatically, more rapidly than many of us could have imagined. Seemingly overnight, business needs and models have been transformed, and new technologies have been adopted that may well change forever how people work and learn. Amid these rapid changes, soft skills – skills that transfer across industry, career choice and work environment – will become more crucial than ever for students and working adults to possess.
At this critical time, UpSkill Houston and RED+BLACK – a “mere mortal” mom and her retired corporate executive sister – are excited to partner to launch a new series of 13 short animations that together demonstrate how an array of soft skills can drive success. Each minute-long episode introduces a different skill and provides a specific example of how the skill applies on-the-job – and in personal, everyday life – in a variety of settings.
The animations were developed as companions to UpSkill Houston's “My Life As …” series and are featured at The site now links existing “My Life As …” content with “Soft Skills” content to help reinforce how soft skills apply in real-life settings.
The "Soft Skills" animated series includes:
The animations are also available on RED+BLACK’s YouTube channel.
See UpSkill Houston's complete "My Life As ..." series at